Katarzyna Estate Halla Merlot

Halla Merlot

Katarzyna Estate

Normaler Preis €10.90 €9.00 Angebot

Jahrgang: 2016
Weingut: Katarzyna Estate
Region: Thrakische Tiefebene
Sorte: Merlot
Farbe: Rot
Charakter: Trocken
Alkoholgehalt: 14,5 %
Inhalt: 0.75 l

Halla in the past socialists times was the secret name of the military checkpoint at the southern-east border of Bulgaria and Greece. Now it is part of the beautiful Katarzyna Estate vineyards. An area in the No Man’s Land, where pure nature was left undisturbed to hollow it’s own course for more then 45 years.